Can I be allergic to Epoxy Resin?

Are you wondering if it is possible for you to be allergic to epoxy resin?

First thing we have to say is – this blog does NOT replace medical advice. If you think you are having an allergic reaction – always seek the advice of a medical professional as soon as possible.

What is an allergic reaction?

An allergic reaction can present in many different ways. It might be one or a number of symptoms, not limited to but including:

  • Itchy skin
  • Red skin
  • Dry skin or blisters
  • Swollen areas
  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Headaches
  • Breathing difficulties

What should I do if I think I’m allergic to resin?

First thing – STOP!
Stop what you are doing right away and seek medical advice.

Make sure you have good ventilation in your work space. Open doors and windows making sure you are not exposing anyone else to resin fumes (in particular, children or animals).

Dependant on severity and medical advice, (never go back to resin if you are having a serious reaction or are told by a medical professional to not) you may be able to tidy away your work space. Ensure you have full PPE – Personal Protective Equipment including gloves, overalls and respirator mask. Dispose of all resin appropriately and clean your work area as thoroughly as possible. Ensure you let your area ventilate fully for as long as is possible.

How do I know it is the resin I am allergic to?

A medical professional will be best to give you advice on this but… it is worth remembering that you can be allergic to anything. You may also want to think about the possibility of you having reacted to one of the other things you have been using such as:

  • Gloves – you can be allergic to any type of gloves but latex allergies are common.
  • Alcohol spray – if you use alcohol spray or isopropyl spray, you could be allergic to this.
  • Mica powder – it may look harmless but it can cause a reaction, especially if you have spilled some or its getting in to the air.
  • Alcohol ink / pigments – you should always be careful with these and make sure you wear gloves and rinse immediately if you get any on your skin.
  • UV resin

Even if you decide to return to working with resin after being cleared to do so – you should take care of the above and anything else you might use when crafting with resin.

What can I do if I am allergic to resin?

You should only return to working with resin after a possible or confirmed allergic reaction if cleared to do so by a medical professional. If you have been advised to avoid working with epoxy resin, you may want to take a look at other similar materials like Eco Resin. Eco Resin can be just as fun and used many of the same materials and equipment.

Remember the above though! Take care when using any of the items you’ve used when you reacted to Epoxy Resin.

How can I reduce the chances of being allergic to Epoxy Resin?

There’s a few things that you can do to reduce the chance of an allergic reaction and to keep yourself safe when working with Epoxy Resin.

1 – ALWAYS follow the safety advice given with your chosen brand of epoxy resin. They will vary between brands.

2 – PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
Nitrile gloves offer the best protection against chemicals. Ensuring you wear long length gloves and protective overalls will reduce the possibility of epoxy resin coming in contact with your skin. Goggles and a respirator will also do this.

3 – Keep your workspace tidy
A tidy workspace with an area to put dirty equipment will reduce the amount of times you need to pick up your tools or moulds. This will in turn reduce the amount of possible contact with resin.

4 – Ensure your space is well ventilated
Reducing the amount of fumes in your workspace is always advised even if you work with a certified ‘non-toxic’ epoxy resin, respirator and goggles.


If you are unsure about if you are having an allergic reaction or if you are safe to return to working with resin after an allergic reaction – consult a medical professional for advice.

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